Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 13, March 18: Lordsburg to Silver City, NM

48 of 48 miles
Temperature range low 50’s to mid-80’s

Today was our Continental Divide crossing! We started in Lordsburg at 4250’, climbing gradually for the first 10 miles. While the incline was not impressive, it felt like we were slogging through quicksand. Many tough days of biking are taking their toll. When I stopped to take this photo, I could feel the electricity prickling through my hands. There is a good reason not to live close to major electrical lines.

At mile 10 the grade picked up with seemingly never-ending rollers and the vegetation changed from golden grasses to scrub pine. I was so happy to see the SAG wagon around mile 16, and my strength actually increased as the steep climb continued. While I am quite slow on the uphills, I ride at a steady pace focusing on the road just ahead of me instead of the distance I still have to conquer. It’s a great strategy for completing long climbs, but it is sometimes difficult to fully appreciate the surrounding beauty. Every so often I would peek up and around to take in the incredible views.

I was pleasantly surprised to come upon the Continental Divide signage at around mile 20, celebrating the moment with Michelle.

From the high point of 6355’ at the Divide, there were several miles of serious downhill runs during which I got to 40 mph, my highest speed ever. The road surface was good, there was very little traffic, and the weather was great, so it was the perfect opportunity to let it rip. It felt so good!

To the west of Silver City we passed the Tyrone open pit copper mine.

There were more rolling hills for several miles on the approach to Silver City, elevation 5900’, which, in fact, were some of the steepest climbs of the day. Being tired might have had something to do with it.

On the side of the road, I passed this stark reminder of the risks of this sport.

The panorama to the south of Silver City was breathtaking.

Silver City is an interesting town with many historic buildings now recycled as cafes, galleries, bike shops, and other venues. I rode slowly through town, previewing several of the shops for longer visits on our rest day tomorrow. Silver City is also known as the home of Billy the Kid, then known as Kid Antrim, who was arrested and jailed here at age 14 for theft, but managed to escape.

This was a very good and special day.

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